Begin High School Visits

Printemps 2025Automne 2025

Begin High School Visits 2025

Begin Group offers you a distinctive opportunity to meet with some of the most talented and motivated students in the region, right at their own schools. Our custom-made high school tours allow you to visit 2-3 of the leading international schools in every city, spending approximately 45 minutes in each school. Participation format may vary depending on the conditions of each individual school. This could involve either having a personal table at the main hall/sports hall alongside your colleagues from other universities or giving an individual presentation in front of high-school students in a lineup with presentations from other representatives.

Remise sur les forfaits: 2 salons – 10% de réduction, 3+ salons – 20% de réduction.
Économisez 10% de plus en réservant à l'avance les salons de la prochaine saison/année.
Choisissez les salons.